
Fixed Deposit

A fixed deposit or term deposits is an saving option offered by banks wherein a depositor can invest their money for a fixed tenure & rate. The rate of interests depends on the duration of the deposits & the banks. Customers can avail loans against FDs up to 80 to 90 percent of the value of deposits. The rate of interest on the loan could be 1 to 2 percent over the rate offered on the deposit.[8] Residents of India can open these accounts for a minimum of seven days. Investing in a fixed deposit earns customers a higher interest rate than depositing money in a saving account.


Bonds are basically a way for companies & governments for issuing capital for expansion, infrastructural projects, etc. By issuing bonds to the public, the organizations & Government can raise money for their projects. In simple terms bonds are like a loan for which you are the lender. The organization who sells the bonds is known as issuer & the holder is called as an investor. The bonds usually have a defined term or maturity, upon which the bonds can be redeemed.